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How to Properly Sanitize & Disinfect Your Countertops Amid COVID-19

newsdayconnect • April 3, 2020
Amid the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, it can be difficult to make sense of all the information that’s out there. It is an unprecedented time, but it’s important to remember that there are things we can control, thereby doing our part. Current state regulations have caused a significant portion of the workforce to work from home or take time off until the worst of the virus passes; essential businesses throughout New York have adapted their procedures to incorporate best social distancing practices. The more we can keep our physical distance, the better chance we’ll have of flattening the curve. 

Within your home, it’s important to keep hands and surfaces clean. Soap and water does wonders in breaking down the fatty barrier surrounding the virus and rinsing it harmlessly down the sink; this is why it’s so important to wash your hands as often as possible. If you bring things into the house, try and let them sit for at least a day to allow any virus particles that may have come in with them to die. If this just isn’t feasible, you may want to consider a regular cleaning and sanitation routine. While the virus doesn’t live too long on surfaces, properly cleaning and disinfecting your countertops can bring you peace of mind, especially after unloading groceries or coming in from outdoors. It can also protect your kitchen countertop from any other particles or viruses that might be lingering there!

What to Use

When it comes to the coronavirus, soap and warm water does the trick in destroying and eradicating the virus from our hands and surfaces. However, some countertops are more porous than others, so you want to adapt your strategy to suit the material in your kitchen: 

  • Granite Countertops: Granite is a very hard surface and is less porous than marble; however, it’s still important to make sure it’s properly sealed before you use any sort of cleaner on it. Once it’s sealed, granite is relatively impervious to bacteria. If you do reach for a disinfectant, avoid bleach or abrasive sponges. 
  • Marble Countertops: If you’re not using a specific marble cleaner, it’s best to use dish soap diluted in warm water. Spray it onto the counter, then wipe off with a non-abrasive cloth. 
  • Quartz Countertops: With quartz, it’s important to steer clear of acidic product or anything containing bleach, as these can damage your counter. Simple soap and warm water works best for quartz, although you can use simple disinfecting wipes as long as they are bleach free. 
  • Quartzite Countertops: Quartzite is best cleaned using soap and water. However, if you want to use a cleaner, a stone-specific product is your best bet.
Stay Calm

If you’re concerned about keeping your countertops properly disinfected during the COVID-19 pandemic, remember that your best option is to control what you can. Keep your home clean and disinfected; use soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds to ensure that any virus that makes its way into your home will be rinsed away. The sooner we can prevent the spread of the virus, the sooner everything will return to normal. 

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